HEIZE - The Aesthetic Queen



Jazzy, sneaky, fashionable, absolutely beautiful yet original, Heize is incredible to my eyes. From one style to another, she sings, she acts and she shows incredible aesthetics. Her voice is as sweet as sour, she can rap or sing love ballads just as convincingly.

The Aesthetic Queen

Her eyes and her look are top-level. An elegant, versatile, talented artist and woman. Sometimes playful or cheeky, she will most of the time display her cute "bored" look to show she's always somehow unsatisfied with the present and contemplating for better days.

The singer, the actress

Heize music videos go from a masterpiece to another:

Her voice is a treat, her last album is called Happen. You can enjoy her sweet, distinguished and melodic tunes through the Apple Music Heize's Essentials playlist. In the meantime, I wish everybody some nice K-pop flavour.